Steve Pearce tells us what to do!

Pilgrim, if you want to contact New Mexico Rep. Steve Pearce from a zip code in northern New Mexico, forget it. Steve does not want to hear from you and he will block your e-mail from ever getting through on his pristine web site. You probably voted for someone else anyway. Steve does, however, have some brilliant fatherly, patronish-type advice for you, especially if you work for the federal government.

“Get yourselves efficient,” the coherent and persuasive Pearce intones. Steve is encouraging people here in good old drypocket NM to “lead by example.” 

One of the ways we could really use to seize the moment, just as Steve suggests, is to just stop drinking water.

We’re in a drought, damn it. Instead of constantly whining about how hot and thirsty you are, just gird your loins, think about other people for a change, and stop lapping up all the H2O in New Mexico to satisfy your lust for drinking water.

If you were really loving, you would stop drinking, and while you’re at it, you should stop eating altogether, so the wind will just eventually blow you away, and you won’t be taking up precious space, which, as everyone in New Mexico knows, is at a premium.

Just as the Pearce teaches, be devoted to correcting other people’s lack of ethics and their basic parasitic sloth just like Steve who is out there every day cutting the federal budget to the bone, so we can all get efficient. Steve is a great example showing us all how we must treat one another.

No, you can’t take a plane trip with Steve to go to Egypt to see folks from the New Mexico National Guard and shake their hands. Only Big People like Steve can take a very necessary-to-the-public-good flight to Egypt for a piddling $19,525, so Steve can junket off and show how patriotic He is.

Remember Steve’s words, tighten that belt a few more notches, so we can control the government “spending problem.”

This piece was written by:

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James Burbank

James Burbank has written and published over 200 articles for regional and national publications such as Reuters International News Service, The World & I Magazine, National Catholic Reporter, Farmer’s Almanac, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, La Opinion, New Mexico Magazine, Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque Tribune. He is author of Retirement New Mexico, the best selling book published by New Mexico Magazine Press, now in its third edition. He is also author of Vanishing Lobo: the Mexican Wolf in the Southwest, published by Johnson Books.

As a professional writing consultant, he has written and edited publications, video and radio scripts, annual reports, and investment information for a wide variety of corporate clients. A Lecturer II for the Department of English, Burbank has specialized in teaching technical writing and professional writing. His interests extend from composition and writing theory to environmental and nature writing. He has played a leadership role in developing and implementing the English Department’s teaching mentorship program.

Contact James Burbank

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