It’s been a couple of weeks since my credit union, Numbfecu became Nusenda, and praise be, I have survived the name change. I no longer upchuck when I have to visit my disappearing little dollars that Nusenda is treating with such care. I liked Numbfecu better, but I can live with Nusenda. Actually, I called the local credit union office to scream at them.
“What have you done with Numbfecu?” The ever-so-patient credit union servant upbraided me. The credit union surveyed all the owner-members about the name change. Where was I? It only cost a couple million to buy the new name, and did I like the 15 cent bonus I received that showed how fat the credit union really is?
Yes, this is one of those delightful and quirky kind of New Mexico stories that always leave you laughing and never leave you numb, not like yesteryear, not like say the day Susana came swooping down like a Cooper’s hawk on our social services and shuttered places like Hogares in the North Valley, places that had been operating for forty years. All these local providers who had been serving New Mexico communities for so long were all criminals. In fact so heinous were their crimes, that they had to be driven away before anyone could assess their evil, which was disclosed by a Grand Audit showing just how crooked all these social services really were.
But no one could see the audit, which was kept secret, secret, secret until just recently when the results of the rigorous assessment were revealed. One would think the news media would be swarming all over the place to find out exactly what all this criminal behavior was. What did the audit show?
I guess Numbfecu and Nusenda are much more interesting than the Arizona for-profit companies that Susana brought in here, and who are dying to leave because they have milked us dry and they have better places to exploit. Have you seen how much we are paying for the wonderful non-existent social services we are not receiving? For some unknown reason we are paying more and more and more for these invisible non-services. Some people like Jerry Ortiz-y Pino and Bill O’Neill, our state senators, have been grumbling a bit and starting to ask a few questions.
Meanwhile, because of the dearth of mental health care that we are paying more and more for, the county wants to jack up the regressive Gross Receipts Tax to pay for the mental health services that we are no longer receiving through the Miracle Management techniques of the Martinez admin that is financially draining the citizenry to pay for out-of-state non-providers who just want to get rich—which is damn good justification for the county to raise the Gross tax so we are even more destitute.
Numbfecu or Nusenda sound pretty good after all that. Perhaps one fine day, some journalist somewhere will dig into the numbers and find out in truth there were just things like arithmetic errors, missing paperclips, and mistaken account numbers. If these hideous crimes are shown by the audit, everyone will be numb and will have forgotten because we will, labored by the new GRT, be struggling even harder to get by. In the meantime, every day I pass the shell of a building that was Hogares and I remember the good old days when Nusenda was Numbfecu.
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