The rumor is spreading, but I don’t believe a word of it. The McGovernor’s trusted McAdvisor, Jay McCleskey runs the McMartinez Administration from an opulent underground chamber ‘neath the McRound McHouse. Perhaps Jay hisself is responsible for the latest McIdea to come from McSusana: Let’s slash funding for New McMexico’s Drug Courts!
We can save beaucoup McBucks. And we can help at least a hundred deadbeat human garbage addicts back into the criminal justice system where they belong. And the New McMexicans that fall victim to the addict perps? They will be scared right into supporting our wonderful tough conservative anti-crime initiative.
This is more fun than telling Mayor McBerry what he should do with McAPD. More fun than putting the squeeze on the Mc DA.
It doesn’t really matter that our brilliant McInitiative will cost us lots more because throwing an addict in prison is just about as expensive as sending a kid to Harvard.
So let’s just send these addict perps to Ivy League Schools instead, and let Harvard, Yale, and Princeton sort out the good, the bad, and the ugly. Makes McSense to me.
February 03, 2015