19. December 2014
The United States and Cuba are set to re-establish diplomatic relations. Someone pinch me. I didn’t expect this. I long ago concluded that it would never happen in my lifetime. I am elated that I have lived to see this moment.
Now then comes the really hard part, and I have two questions. Will the United States unilaterally end its draconian economic embargo of Cuba, in effect since the early 1960s and roundly condemned throughout the world? Or will it set unnecessary barriers to full normalization by demanding concessions from Cuba that are linked to the lifting of that embargo?...
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In light of the recent US declaration to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, Margaret Randall gives a breakdown of US/Cuba relations from the revolution till now.
Continue reading...18. December 2014
Former US Senator and presidential candidate Fred Harris gives a comprehensive analysis of economic disparity in this country and his suggestions for a “new populism.”
Continue reading...18. December 2014
US Helping Drug War
Continue reading...17. December 2014
According to the latest Washington Post/ABC poll, 59% of Americans believe that our use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” was justified after September 11. Perhaps CIA Director Michael Hayden was farsighted when he said in 2007, “This is not CIA’s Program. This is not the President’s Program. This is America’s Program.”
But I have to wonder how many of those who offered their opinions have actually read the executive summary of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. It’s a quick read. The findings and conclusions cover only 18 pages; it is the documentation of the findings that takes over 500...
Continue reading...17. December 2014
17. December 2014
17. December 2014
19. December 2014
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