Seasoned Veteran: Journey of a Winter Soldier

Seasoned Veteran: Journey of a Winter Soldier

I produced this documentary as a master's thesis while at the Documentary Institute at the University of Florida in 2002.  It was later released as an extra feature on the DVD release of the original Winter Soldier film.  One reviewer noted that the piece is "technically ragged" and looking back I couldn't agree more.  It was the first time I had picked up a camera or used an editing machine.  However, Scott's story is so compelling that it overshadows much of the technical flaws.  A more favorable review in Slant Magazine noted:

The highlight of the disc, though, may be "Seasoned Veteran: The Journey of a Winter Soldier," which traces Scott Camil's rise from a lowly "fight and not cry" military recruit to a disgruntled Vietnam vet and human rights crusader. The lengths the government went to silence the man-using a woman to get him into drugs so they could get into his apartment and secure his documents-will probably have fans of the film clucking their tongues and shaking their heads.

Scott had a profound impact on my life and my understanding of war.  One of the last times I saw him he was wearing a shirt that said, "Iraq is Arabic for Vietnam."  I think many of the soldiers that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan would agree.

This piece was written by:

Benito Aragon's photo

Benito Aragon

Benito Aragon is co-founder of New Mexico Mercury and was born and raised in Albuquerque's North Valley. He received his B.A. in cultural anthropology from the University of New Mexico and Master's in mass communication with a specialization in documentary film production from the University of Florida. He co-produced the award winning documentary, Seasoned Veteran: Journey of a Winter Soldier about Scott Camil, which was added to the DVD release of the film Wintersoldier.

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