Adam Sandler, the famous comedian, is making a movie called Ridiculous Six, but Native American actors got all upset because Native American women characters in the movie were given names like "Beaver Breath" and "Wears No Bra." I couldn’t stop laughing at these very clever, very funny names that most certainly would have maximum impact after six or so Buds.
Very famous, very funny person Adam Sandler, I hear, actually plays an “Indian” in the movie. Here’s an uproarious thing the very funny man said when people started to confront him about disrespecting Native American ways. Basically Adam Sandler said the movie was a satire, so get over it already.
I wondered what this word, "satire" means? I looked it up on Wickileaks to see what the truth might be because I think this satire thing is kind of dirty and insulting.
The movie appears to be about “ithyphallic companions of Dionysius” who looks like a cross between a goat and a guy. It’s no wonder those twelve Native American actors walked off the set. What the hell do these goat types have to do with Native American comedians like Adam Sandler, who is a dyed-in-the-wool heyoka if ever there was one?
Another great thing here: all these actors leaving Ridiculous Six provides great opportunities for white folks to paint up like “Indians” and run right over to the movie set to fill the vacuum. If you want to get hired though, you need to come up with a suitable name for your character. You can’t have mine though. Mine is sacred. You may call me, White Guy with Eighth Grade Underwear on Head. Are you laughing?
April 28, 2015