Author Archives | Alanna Offield

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Alanna Offield

Alanna Offield is a campaign coordinator for the Medial Literacy Project. As a community organizer and activist she has worked on a range of issue-based campaigns dealing with human rights, racial justice, gender justice, and environmental justice. She is a student at the University of New Mexico focusing her studies on the intersections of race, class, and gender in American society through an American studies degree with a minor in Chicano/ Chicana studies.

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An Open Internet for All New Mexicans

04. December 2013

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By Alanna Offield

Open Internet, also known as net neutrality, preserves our right to communicate freely online while enabling and protecting free speech. It means that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should provide us with open networks and not interfere with any applications or content that we access on our computers, phones, and other devices, allowing me to read my favorite blogs even if they criticize big telecom companies...

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