Author Archives | Diane Castiglioni

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Diane Castiglioni

Diane Castiglioni is part of an international team of facilitators who travel the world to help solve complex issues using art, music, technology and other collaborative tools for organizations, nonprofits, and community development groups. She is a contributing author to Dictionnaire Universel du Pain (Bouquin Laffont, 2011), and an editor of the International Cooperation for the Development of Space (ATWG, 2012).

Contact Diane Castiglioni

Weekly Poem: durable whiteness

29. September 2013

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By Diane Castiglioni




still flayed by the swollen pelt racked by pain
durable whiteness
amidst the cracked red sea
a new landscape across my canvas
a new story
you orestes
me hypatia

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