04. February 2015
Two years after blowing New Mexico’s community behavioral health system to smithereens and bringing in companies from Arizona to replace it, spending $27 million in the process, the topic of behavioral health drew nary a mention from our Governor in her State of the State speech.
Nor did any of the press releases that accompanied her proposed budget for next year mention the topic. It is not the subject of any legislative proposals sent down from the Fourth Floor. She has no position on Albuquerque and Bernalillo County’s efforts to address the needs of the mentally ill and addicted populations, which include requests for additional taxes here and for increased State appropriations for services...
Continue reading...03. February 2015
The rumor is spreading, but I don’t believe a word of it. The McGovernor’s trusted McAdvisor, Jay McCleskey runs the McMartinez Administration from an opulent underground chamber ‘neath the McRound McHouse. Perhaps Jay hisself is responsible for the latest McIdea to come from McSusana: Let’s slash funding for New McMexico’s Drug Courts!
We can save beaucoup McBucks. And we can help at least a hundred deadbeat human garbage addicts back into the criminal justice system where they belong...
Continue reading...03. February 2015
03. February 2015
03. February 2015
03. February 2015
03. February 2015
03. February 2015
03. February 2015
04. February 2015
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