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Heavily Redacted Audit Continues Lack of Due-Process

23. October 2013

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By Sen. Linda Lopez

In a feeble attempt to placate the public’s demand to know the details behind the Martinez Administration’s undisclosed accusations of fraud against as many as 15 New Mexico behavioral heath providers, the Attorney General’s office release of a heavily redacted audit only muddies and delays the issue further.

And one of the few things we were actually able to glean from the audit was that auditors from Massachusetts-based Public Consulting Group Inc. (PCG) wrote that “PCG’s Case File Audit did not uncover what it would consider to be credible allegations of fraud, nor any significant concerns related to consumer safety.”...

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Republicans Trash Municipal Voting Rights

23. October 2013

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By James Burbank

Some time before the recent municipal election the University of New Mexico contacted the city to see if, as usual, there would be a polling place at UNM, something which has happened during the 2007 election, the 2009 election, and the 2012 election. The University never heard back and there was no polling place to serve students and faculty.

A couple of nights ago your non-partisan city council decided to disenfranchise thousands of Albuquerque voters who have regularly polled at the campus. This is the same non-partisan council controlled by Republicans that created the new gerrymandered Council District Two...

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Henry and the Gays

22. October 2013

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By NM Mercury Henry and the Gays

Humphrey's World

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What’s Happened to Albuquerque? Part 10: Gary Goodman and the Big Idea

21. October 2013

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By V.B. Price

Working to overcome a familiar sense of dejection after the city elections, this month, I was browsing the internet and came across the disappointing September 30th KNME mayoral debate and then, quite by accident, found myself watching a TEDxABQ on YouTube from October 14, 2012 with New Mexico real estate developer Gary Goodman. What a glaring contrast...

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Provincial Matters, 10-21-2013

21. October 2013

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By V.B. Price Provincial Matters, 10-21-2013

V.B. Price's weekly collection of appreciations and observations.

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Operation Streamline

19. October 2013

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By Eric Garcia Operation Streamline

El Machete

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KOAT picks up our Glyphosate story (video)

18. October 2013

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By NM Mercury

Although no credit was given to New Mexico Mercury, it's nice to know that some local news outlets are paying attention to our stories. After our piece on the use of Glyphosate by city, county and state governments in New Mexico, Susan Clair, who's interviewed in the article, was contacted by KOAT for their brief piece. Our original story was written by our intern Svetlana Ozden, who studies at UNM and was a former editor at the Daily Lobo...

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Let’s Put God in the Driver’s Seat - The Upcoming Abortion Rights Vote

17. October 2013

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By James Burbank

It’s always super nice when the divinity comes down out of the sky and tells us what to do, especially when we’re trying to think out thorny ethics issues like abortion.

Some folks yell at everybody else saying they are screeching with God’s voice. They want to see us ban late-term abortion.  If you disagree, they will hit you with everything they’ve got...

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Shutdown Saves Money

16. October 2013

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By NM Mercury Shutdown Saves Money

Humphrey's World

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Weekly Poem: Silence of the Messengers

16. October 2013

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By Bill Nevins



We hear only hush of wings
these angels who
sweep around us
never a word spoken
never a sword drawn
though their voices be strong, their hearts brave,
knowing we would not remember
if they spoke
would not remember one soft word
nor recall one firey blow...

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