04. July 2014
04. July 2014
All of us who are educated to Susana New Mexico standards and who have proudly displayed our third grade reading proficiency certificates know that art is exceptionally dangerous. We should avoid ahtsy fahtsie and those who create it as much as is humanly possible. That means on seeing a known artist, one should smile politely, lower one’s head, and without dispatch, cross to the other side of the street.
Think, if you will then, how really menacing and perilous art is when mixed with demon rum...
Continue reading...04. July 2014
This summer, an ongoing action by New Mexico teachers is to send in Inspection of Public Records requests (IPRAs, for short), asking the Public Education Department (PED) to send evidence that backs up teacher evaluation reports received this year, and the means used to calculate the scores. We’ve waited. We’ve waited some more. Finally, some of those teachers received notices that the request is “burdensome,” and it would take the PED longer than expected.
Which is silly, since the PED happily reported the results of teacher evaluations to the press long before teachers were allowed to see them (and, of course, none of those press outlets thought to ask for substantiation). You’d think PED would have access to the reports quickly, since they just finished them up...
Continue reading...03. July 2014
Just north of the New Mexico/Colorado border sits the site of one of the worst repressive actions against working people in the history of our country.
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04. July 2014
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