Our country is frozen in the filthy rich pit of a cultish Republicanism, a bunch of sick coyotes yakking the same chorus, “Kill to Win,” “Pray God for Stagnation.” “We’ll drown you in our own filth of hatred for the poor, the down trodden, the impotent, the sick, the helpless children and stressed families, the out of work, the over-burdened, the unserved, the abandoned class of the dwindling mainstream, screw you!”
The middle of America is despised by its upper end, the rapacious upper class gobbling up more wealth every minute from the sea of sinking service workers and international conspiracy to gain more and more from corporations of power-lust and military manipulation, feeding off catastrophes to make more money poisoning the atmosphere and privatizing every aspect of Mother Nature while crippling government except when it can be a pimp for whoring against the poor – strangling the commons, the very center of American communities built up on cooperation and respect for independent innovation. Killing it all is this Gang of the Rich, the pasty-faced pawns of their own corporate craziness spewing the lies of their own talking points to hide their background take-overs of what’s left of the world’s wealth.
Give us sanity, give us We the People. Let us take ourselves back, cooperate in the rise of health and education, re-knitting the fabric of democracy with neighborly representatives forming our new government again, independent and compassionate at the same time, and willing to work at constant improvement by constantly improving work from the ground up, from the base of fairness and creative motivation, turning the pyramid around with its baseline at the bottom, as we build again from strength of many and to hell with the fucked up few who thought they controlled everything. Welcome to reality. The power of every vote welcomes the new day: democracy “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
(All images are property of their respective owner. Original image from The Economist.)
October 07, 2013