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Provincial Matters, 4-21-2014

21. April 2014

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By V.B. Price Provincial Matters, 4-21-2014

V.B. Price's weekly collection of appreciations and observations.

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El Machete: Wendy’s Ketchup

19. April 2014

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By Eric Garcia El Machete: Wendy’s Ketchup

Wendy's Ketchup... background info.

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NM Attorney General Gary King Promises: “I’ll prosecute APD officers.”

18. April 2014

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By La Jicarita

UNM professor and La Jicarita editor David Correia joined a contingent of community activists to press Attorney General Gary King on criminal charges for APD officers highlighted in the Department of Justice report. 

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International Superstars

17. April 2014

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By Submitted Anonymously

When I moved to Albuquerque many years ago, friends and family were confused. They had no idea where this strange sounding place was--east of Alamut? west of Shambala?--and couldn't believe it actually existed outside the imagination of some crazed, inbred descendant of Zane Grey. But then the Albuquerque Police Department helped my friends and family by landing their brand new helicopter in the Krispy Kreme (TM) parking lot. Remember this was before twitter and memes, but the news rapidly spread around the world. The APD truly protected--their supply of donuts--and served--to give Albuquerque international fame...

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Iraq Veteran Pens Interview with Bill Moyers

16. April 2014

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By Alex Limkin Iraq Veteran Pens Interview with Bill Moyers

Iraq War veteran Alex Limkin touches on pets in war, "moral injury" and the police state right here at home in this projected exchange.

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Who is to blame for the APD scandal?

15. April 2014

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By Wally Gordon

The U. S. Justice Department investigation of the Albuquerque Police Department had three tasks. The first was to determine if APD habitually uses excessive force. For this, it gets a grade of A: In 46 damning pages, it detailed in gruesome and horrifying detail the misdeeds of APD, ranging from shooting and Tasering to kicking and punching civilians, many of them unarmed, elderly, handicapped or mentally ill.

The second task was to determine why the cops are so violent. For this it gets a grade of C: It looked carefully at the internal APD factors promoting “a culture of aggression” at APD but failed to examine the external factors.

The third task was to describe how to fix the problems. For this it gets a grade of Incomplete:..

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At tax time don’t forget how corporate income tax breaks impact your tax bill

14. April 2014

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By Gerry Bradley

In mid-April, as we prepare our income tax returns, it’s likely we equate the amount of tax we owe with how much money we make and how many deductions we can take. In truth, what we pay in all taxes, including income taxes, is dependent on many other variables, such as how much—or how little—profitable corporations are paying.

Corporate America is very good at lowering its income tax bills. It has been so successful, in fact, that corporate income taxes (CIT) make up a much smaller share of total federal tax revenue than they did 60 years ago. In the 1950s, CIT made up almost 30 percent of all federal tax revenue. It’s been about 10 percent since the 1980s...

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Provincial Matters, 4-14-2014

14. April 2014

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By V.B. Price

V.B. Price's weekly collection of appreciations and observations.

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An Attempt to Understand Protest

11. April 2014

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By Stevie Olson

On the way to work Monday morning, I turned on the radio hoping for music, but the morning show host was discussing Sunday’s protest. I am usually irritated by talk radio, but I found myself interested because I was at the protest the previous night. By the time I came to the first stoplight, one caller had ranted about how the “riot was out of control.” The host agreed saying, “the protest definitely picked up some riffraff as the day went on.” Another caller said the “delinquents were taking over the city” and “deserved to be thrown in jail.” Waiting for the green arrow to turn left, I pushed the radio off. A sinking feeling told me these perspectives dismissed the movement I had witnessed, but I too struggled to articulate what had happened...

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Daddy Don Offers The Cure for Citizen Rage

11. April 2014

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By James Burbank

As a diligent student of the great Donald Rumsfeld, I think because this human trash keeps getting in the way of APD bullets the best thing to do is to do the same thing we always do whenever whatever we do does not work, which is to say, we do the same thing all over again, but we spend more and more to accomplish the same result, which is a comforting big fat zero, but there is ever more money in the game, more and more profit potential.

“Cover the same old bases to cover your ass.  Gun ‘em down if they’re powerless and homeless, or they get in your way. ” That’s what Daddy Don used to say...

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