05. August 2014
From the adoption of nascent democracy during Greece’s Golden Age, around 460 bce to this day, the system has been considerably altered.
In Athens, the center of trade and the arts, the citizens voted for their government officials. The Council and the Assembly ruled. The Council was made of 500 members who were drawn by lottery from the population. Stop for a second and visualize that today.
The two groups met every ten days and any citizen could speak and vote at the Assembly. However, they would only convene if there were at least 6,000 citizens present. Imagine that...
Continue reading...05. August 2014
Citizen activism has spurred positive developments for the KAFB jet fuel spill clean up, but there's a long road still ahead.
Continue reading...04. August 2014
04. August 2014
04. August 2014
04. August 2014
05. August 2014
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