27. October 2014
26. October 2014
Rumor has it that Gubernatorial candidate Gary King is traveling around the state on a listening tour, hunkering down in every little burg and hamlet to hear people bitch about their problems. Doesn’t he get it?
These little people with their little issues don’t count anymore. The good and kind folks with the money are the People now. That and the companies are also Human.
If you have fifteen billion dollars, you are a human being. If you don’t have a job, or you are a teacher, or make less than two hunderd thou a year, you are just another member of the hoy polloy, the great unwashed, the ignorant masses, the general public...
Continue reading...26. October 2014
V.B. Price's weekly collection of appreciations and observations.
Continue reading...23. October 2014
23. October 2014
23. October 2014
27. October 2014
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