11. November 2014
11. November 2014
11. November 2014
11. November 2014
11. November 2014
11. November 2014
Recently the fossil fuel divestment campaign added to their numbers the heirs of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, when the great-great grandson and great granddaughter withdrew their funds from oil investments. This is the latest indication that in fact there will be a turning away from the current course of self-ruin, even by the petroleum industry’s own elite. When the Rockefellers decide to turn their (green)backs on oil and coal, we must ask if this will make it easier for others of their ilk to do the same...
Continue reading...11. November 2014
I really like it when ordinary citizens scream at city officials, there are mass demonstrations, people are arrested and carted off.
It seems when the civic volcano blows its top, that’s the only time the powers that be realize there’s a problem they must respond to.
Otherwise, the complacency is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
Nothing really happens until the pressure builds again to the eruption point and citizens once more start screaming at officials. That sure seems true regarding the Albuquerque Police Dept. crisis...
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11. November 2014
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